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The Beast is Back with the Silver and Black

Marshawn Lynch sat out the 2016 season, but he is back in the NFL and repping for America’s Most Wanted. At 31 years old, he is no newbie to the game, but let’s get to know him even better with 5 Fun Facts about Marshawn Lynch.



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1.  Marshawn Lynch and JaMarcus Russell are cousins. Russell also played for the Raiders signing a 61 Million dollar deal in 2007. He was with the Raiders for 3 years before getting released due to inconsistent play.

2.  Lynch had no idea Buffalo was not In NYC until he got to New York. “I thought I was gonna be out there with Jay Z,” Lynch said with a laugh. “And then, when I finally landed in Buffalo, aww man, it was like, slush on the ground. It just finished snowing. I didn’t know nothing about no snow.”

3.  He got his first set of grills at 12 years old! According to Lynch, he was the only person in junior high school with a “ real grill.” And he accidentally threw it away after he put it in a napkin while eating Jack in the Box.

4.  Lynch scored 10 touchdowns in two of his high school playoff games in 2003. I mean, how amazing is that?

5.  Lynch once let a student from his former high school borrow his Mercedes-Benz to go to prom. During his visit to his old high school, he overheard one of the students complain that he didn’t have a car to take to prom and noticed the kid was working hard in school, so Lynch let him borrow is $80,000 Mercedes-Benz.

Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoyed your 5 Fun Facts on Marshawn Lynch, or as you may know him, “Beast Mode!”

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