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Hello my Faithful Friends and Happy Thanksgiving! It’s easy to get down when your team is struggling, but this Fangirl knows she has plenty to be thankful for and I’m sharing 5 of them today.

1. I’m thankful for my incredible and supportive family. I really don’t know where I’d be without them.

2. I’m thankful for Kyle Shanahan and John Lynch and what they are building with the 49ers. And I’m thankful to Jed York for bringing them to Santa Clara.

3. I’m thankful for my sweet dogs Kappy and Sadie who wag their tails no matter what I do.

4. I’m thankful to have a job that I love and thankful to have incredible Fangirls working with me who make it a lot easier to do it!

5. And I’m thankful for the Faithful for listening, watching, and following this 49ers Fangirl week in and week out.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and Go Niners!

More of my Fangirl Takes here


Photo Credits:

  • Kyle Shanahan on Wikipedia by Thomson200
  • John Lynch on Wikimedia Commons by Jeffrey Beall
  • Jed York photographed by Tracy Sandler