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LeBron James is on his way to becoming the greatest NBA player of all time. Besides racking up an overwhelming amount of awards and titles, there’s more to know about the “love him or hate him” NBA Star.

Let’s get to know more about the man they call the King with in this second edition of 5 Fun Facts about LeBron James:

  1. LeBron stands tall at 6 feet 8 inches; however he refused to be measured after he surpassed the height of Michael Jordan who is 6’6″.
  2. In an interview, LeBron compared himself to fine wine…but wine not when you’re ranked the best player in the NBA for 13 consecutive seasons?!
  3. When LeBron was just 17 he made it on to the cover of Sports Illustrated, which was titled “The Chosen One” because he was chosen #1 by the Cavs in the NBA draft.
  4. Forbes ranked LeBron the second highest paid athlete (after Christiano Ronaldo), with a salary of $86.2 million
  5. LeBron was also an incredible football player in high school and planned to build a career around that. In an interview LeBron said, “I wanna play one NFL game before its over.” So who will it be? Will he play for his close friend Jerry Jones as a Cowboy? Or would he play for Bill Belichick, who would drool over the King’s athleticism?