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  1. Literally. Sure, Chris’ nickname sounds super cool, but there’s actually more to it. Chris has the same initials as his father (Charles) and brother (C.J.). Since both of them are older than him, he is the THIRD “C.P.” in the family. And there ya have it!
  2. Vetoed! Back in 2011, Chris was traded from the Hornets to the Lakers in a three-team deal. That is, until he wasn’t. Then-Comish David Stern pulled the plug on the deal hours after it was said to be completed. Turns out, he never signed-off. All good though. Chris wound up being traded to the “other “LA team just a few days later. #LobCity
  3. President. Chris was elected by the players to become the 14th President of the NBPA back in 2013. He took office in a bit of a messy time with the goal of restoring order. He did such a great job that he was re-elected in 2017. One of the most respected leaders in the game, CP3 is now helping lead the NBA’s comeback plan amid the pandemic.
  4. Point God has a side hustle. Bowling! Chris has been bowling since he was a kid in North Carolina. Once he made it to the NBA, he decided to do something with that passion. Chris launched the “CP3 PBA Celebrity Invitational”, a celebrity bowling tournament, that benefits the Chris Paul Family Foundation. It’s been such a success that the tourney celebrated 10 years (!!!) in 2019!
  5. It’s no secret that Chris and LeBron are besties off the court, but how far back does their friendship go? Chris says the two met all the way back during senior year of high school (!!!) when Bron’s team played a game in Greensboro. But don’t tell LeBron…he remembers their friendship forming a few years earlier.