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  1. Who is Jason’s celebrity crush? None other than Jessica Alba! His crush began after seeing her role as Susan Storm in ‘Fantastic Four.’
  2. Dog dad alert! When he’s not dominating on the ice, Jason is busy with his Chocolate Lab, which had an adorable litter of seven puppies in 2022. You already know we’re here for any/all cute puppy content!
  3. Who is the most famous person in Jason’s phone? His dad! Although you can’t actually see him in the movie, Jason’s dad played “the reverend” in the iconic rom-com, ‘The Notebook.’
  4. Pump-up anthem! Before hitting the ice, Jason gets in the zone by listening to Drake. His favorite go-to hype song is “Forever.”
  5. Dallas, Texas may be known for their iconic Friday Night Lights entertainment, but when it comes to choosing the TV show versus the movie, Jason votes movie every time! Which side are you on?

Image Source: Jason Robertston on Instagram