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  1. Dwight Schrute fan. Nolan’s all-time favorite tv show is “The Office” and favorite character is Dwight Schrute. He watches the show in the morning to put him in a good mood.
  2. Oversized glove. Nolan wears an oversized baseball glove which has helped him win nine Gold Glove Awards. He does not like any of his teammates touching or messing with his glove. 
  3. Diverse music taste. Nolan is a fan of a wide range of musical artists that he listens to depending on his mood. If he is angry, he listens to Rage Against the Machine and if he is in a good mood he’ll listen to Travis Scott or Kendrick Lamar. 
  4. Family ties. Nolan is not the only professional baseball player in his family. He is first cousins with former MLB infielder Josh Fuentes and his brother, Jonah, was an infielder in the San Francisco Giants system. 
  5. Hometown hero. In 2020, Nolan’s hometown of Lake Forest, California named a street after him. The street is named “Nolan Arenado Drive” and goes into Lake Forest Sports Park. 

Image Source: St. Louis Cardinals on Twitter