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“I got loyalty, got royalty inside my DNA” – Kendrick Lamar talking about the Raiders and its fans, probably.

California and sports have been a way of life since my dad first put me in a black and silver Bo Jackson jersey when I was a kid. My father was a diehard Los Angeles Raiders (yes, back when they were in LA), Lakers, and Dodgers fan and I grew up playing every sport my family could enroll me in. I was more likely to put up posters of Bo, Kobe, and Pele on my wall than anything else. Being Colombian-American, there was always so much pride associated with the iconic team that helped bring the Hispanic community together. Getting together on Sundays with my cousins and the rest of the family was everything for us and football helped bring that together.

Being on the field or court has always been my cathedral and as I’ve grown professionally, I have found myself coming back to my athletic roots. Sports was a primary factor in teaching me the importance of hard work, team building, and treating everything like it’s your first and your last experience. Ever since my last high school basketball game my passion has shifted to how I could help impact how the game was being communicated to others, especially women who were looking for a more authentic voice.

Currently I am in acting school, pursuing acting as well as sports. I want to be able to be a role model for kids through both platforms. It’s imperative to bring these stories to life and inspire people the same way I was inspired growing up. I graduated from the University of Miami with a BA in Broadcast Journalism and Media production. After school I worked with Fuel TV, Fox Sports and the Venice Basketball League and fell in love with helping bring the game even closer to the fans and seeing how positively they engaged. I have hosted various events and shows in Los Angeles and for the past 6 summers I have also been the sidelines reporter for an iconic Streetball league in LA, the Venice Basketball League. I’m so excited to rep California as your Raiders Fangirl!

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