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New Year’s is around the corner and I have a feeling 2018 is going to be extra special and sparkly for everyone involved! There aren’t many times of the year that you can wear full on sparkles and not feel like everyone is staring at you like a weirdo! But this New Year’s, we can all be weirdos! The Fangirls and I have put together a list of 5 ways you can sparkle this NYE and show the world your light!

How to Sparkle on New Year’s Eve | Raiders Fangirl

I will be wearing a full on sparkly dress by Arden B. It is something that could probably be worn only on New Year’s. But this year I have decided to not hold back in anything I do and just GO for it: this dress says GO for it all over it. Pair it with a nice long jacket and some nude shoes and you are GOLDEN!

Happy New Year’s to you all and remember…keep sparkling!

More Fangirl Fashion here


Music Credit:
“Clap Along” by Audionautix
Clap Along by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (