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I’m so ready to kiss 2017 goodbye! With the new year almost here, coming up with a resolution for 2018 may have crossed your mind. Luckily I’ve got some tips and tricks for sticking to whatever resolution you pick!

Last year, I made a resolution to take more fitness classes. I wanted to branch out and try new workouts! I took more than 50 new classes in 2017 by writing it down, finding an app, and finding a workout buddy!

This year I’m going to use those same tips to get organized!

Writing your resolution down is so important because it makes it real! Feeling yourself put a goal on paper is gratifying in it of itself.

Do some research and find an app that can help keep you accountable. Last year, I used ClassPass to explore new classes in my area. This year I’m using Cozi to help keep every aspect of my life organized.

I can’t say how important it is to find a friend to hold you to your goals. Last year my best friend and I made the same resolution and found ourselves doing things we would’ve never done on our own. When you find a buddy they don’t necessarily have to make the same resolution as you; they just have to promise to help keep you sticking to it.

I hope these tips and tricks make 2018 a year of transformation and growth for you!

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