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The Run, the Coach, and the Wardrobe

By September 30, 2014July 11th, 2018No Comments3 min read

GoreChristmasPostSitting in Levi’s Stadium yesterday, in the middle of the second quarter, two thoughts came to mind:

  • This red jersey is bad luck and I need to change.
  • I’m concerned that Harbaugh has lost control of his team.

By halftime, I was in a white jersey, the 49ers were down 21-13, and the fans figured the Niners’ second half woes were going to continue, leaving their team 1-3 and the playoffs nearly impossible.

It was a sloppy first half with the red and gold giving up 21 points with a blocked punt for a touchdown, an 82-yard punt return, and a pick-6 by Colin Kaepernick. So, I wondered – are the rumors true? Has Harbaugh lost control of his team? Has he lost the respect of his players, and it is it showing on the field?

And then they came out in the second half like a team that needed to win – and win they did. The run was back with Frank Gore rushing for 119 yards – not to mention bringing in a 55 yard TD pass from Kaepernick. The defense was the MVP of the game, holding the Eagles to 213 total yards and no offensive points. Niners win 26-21, and all of a sudden, we are back!

Yet, the big story of the day is unnamed sources that say the 49ers players want Harbaugh out. Harbaugh calls it “a bunch of crap.” Alex Boone took to the radio today and said, “Last I checked I was in the locker room and it was all smiles, and everybody was happy. Nobody was saying we want him out. I know for a fact everybody loves Harbaugh.”

Honestly, I don’t know what’s true or not. I don’t play for the 49ers – a fact that often makes me sad – and I don’t believe everything I read. It’s a lot of talk so it probably comes from somewhere. But this I do know – a winning team is usually a happy team. If the Niners really did turn the season around yesterday, then this will all be a moot point. I have forever faith in these players, but just in case, I will never wear that red jersey again.