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Well, the LA Clippers are out of the playoffs and I know you all need something to do. Of course, we will all be following the rest of the NBA playoffs, but  since we are heading into the BEST time of year in Southern California, here are five fun things to do when your team is NOT in the NBA playoffs anymore.

1. GO TO THE BEACH!! The NBA Playoffs come around a great time of year. We are in the spring season and getting ready for summer, so there is literally NO BETTER TIME than now to head to the beach for some fun in the sun!

2. Find a new hobby or practice one that you’ve already started. I suggest cooking. Like I told all of you before, I absolutely love to cook. It’s so therapeutic to me and it’s always so much fun to try new recipes.

3. Help the Clippers for next season by doing some research and maybe tweeting the team our suggestions for their NBA Draft pick! We need to make a good choice so next season. That way, I won’t have to do a video about when your team gets out of the playoffs early.

4. Do something really LA, like hiking the Hollywood sign or take a stroll down Hollywood blvd. We all live in this super amazing city and I bet most of us hardly ever take advantage.

5. Lastly, adopt a team that is in the playoffs! That’s exactly what I am going to do but I will let you decide the team so tweet me @ClippersFGSN and let me know what team I should adopt for the playoffs.

Happy Spring-Summer everyone and CHEERS to a more successful 2018 playoff push!

Make sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram @clippersFGSN.

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