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Being a sports fan is amazing, and being a Fangirl is even better, although I wouldn’t say it comes without its challenges. In the male-dominated sports fandom here are a few things that get under my Fangirl fingernails.

1. People think that we fangirls are only into the sports for the cute guys or because of a boyfriend. Really? How many fans do you know that can tell you the 49ers’ starting offense for the last five seasons?

2. I love a bedazzled jersey, but it’s not for everyone. When it comes to showing your fandom, you do you!

3. Gents, remember, we don’t need condescending mansplaining to help us figure out what’s going on. In some cases, like a lot of them, we may know more than you.

4. Fangirls are not bandwagoners. Sure, there might be times when we treat a new sports team like we’re speed dating, but once we commit we are true fans like everyone else (and will suffer through terrible losses and playoff droughts just like our male counterparts).

5. And yes, despite the talk of some knuckle-draggers, we do know the rules of the game and have our own unique insights to share, so listen up guys…you might just learn something. I mean, when it comes to sports, can’t we all just get along?

That’s today’s Fangirl Minute. Later skaters!

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