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Ivana – Lakers Fangirl 

Advice from my mother, ‘no te preocupes, ocupate: Don’t worry, just get to work,’ and ‘ayudate que dios de ayudara: Help yourself and God will help you.’ She also would tell me, ‘Disconnect to connect,’ and ‘if you are going to do something, do it right, or don’t do it at all!’

Emily – Spurs Fangirl

There isn’t one thing that I can equate to being the best advice my mom has given me throughout the years, because quite honestly, she gives me the best advice on the daily! The one thing that resonates the most with me, especially during frustrating or difficult times, are the simple words – it will all work out because everything happens for a reason. My mom encourages me every day that everything is meant to be, especially when you keep the faith and remain positive.

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