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You know what they say, “she got it from her momma!” And for our Fangirls it’s no different. In honor of Mother’s Day, our Fangirls are sharing the best advice they’ve received from their moms over the years. What’s the best advice you ever received from your mom or mother figure? Tweet us at @fangirlsports!

Tracy – Founder & 49ers Fangirl

My mom always taught me to behave in the way I know is right and not worry about what other people think. The only person you can control is yourself. And she always made sure I know I have her support no matter what happens in life. That’s incredibly special.


Shelbi – Cavs Fangirl

My mom’s best pieces of advice have been: ‘the show must go on, ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all’ and ‘smiles are contagious.’


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