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Taylor – Clippers Fangirl

The best advice I ever received from my mom is to keep God and your faith at the center of your life and to treat others how you want to treated. People won’t ever forget how you made them feel and your faith and belief in God’s plan will guide you through everything. And her advice has helped me through so much.

Brittney – Heat Fangirl 

The best advice my Mom ever gave me was to ‘show ’em where you live.’ Not literally of course, but, growing up, she always used it as a saying, meaning to show them the real you. Every time I’d have a big moment in my life, whether it was on the basketball court, or before a big Interview, she’d always tell me that, and it would instantly calm me and help keep me focused. Even though she’s back in Colorado, and I’m in California, I still tell myself, ‘show em’ where you live’ before every big moment in my life. Thanks, Momma.

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